miércoles 6 noviembre, 2024

Planmed in cooperation with Professor László Tabár – Advanced online lectures on mammogram reading

Planmed in cooperation with Professor László Tabár – Advanced online lectures on mammogram reading

The Planmed collaboration with Professor László Tabár continues with a series of advanced online lectures on the effective way of reading mammograms. These teaching webinars are subject to a fee of USD 25.00, which can be paid online when registering. Category 1 CME credit can be obtained for an extra charge of USD 40.00, totaling to USD 65.00.

The teaching webinars will be held every Thursday at 9 AM and 6 PM (CEST), starting from July 9, 2020. Please find more detailed information below and be sure to pass along information about the webinars to everyone interested!

Teaching webinars schedule for July:

How to read a mammogram, essentials

Thursday, July 09, 9 AM (CEST)


Thursday, July 09, 6PM (CEST) https://mammographyed.regfox.com/how-to-read-a-mammogram-essentials-2

Viewing easy to read and difficult to read mammograms

Thursday, July 16, 2020, 9 AM (CEST)


Thursday, July 16, 2020, 6 PM (CEST)


Systematic Method for viewing mammograms

Thursday, July 23, 2020, 9 AM (CEST)


Thursday, July 23, 6 PM (CEST) https://mammographyed.regfox.com/a-systematic-method-for-viewing-mammograms-2

Interactive session: Normal and Easy Cancer cases assessment

Thursday, July 30, 2020, 9 AM (CEST) https://mammographyed.regfox.com/interactive-session-normal-and-early-cancer-cases-assessment-1

Thursday, July 30, 2020, 6 PM (CEST) https://mammographyed.regfox.com/interactive-session-normal-and-early-cancer-cases-assessment-2


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